Overwhelmed? Anxious? Sick and tired of the clutter and the mess?

If so, you aren’t alone.

Hi, I'm Diana Rene.

I have spent the last several years mastering the practice of “minimal-ish living” in the home. I have figured out how to purge ruthlessly and efficiently and then organize systems and routines in the home so that the newfound freedom and joy can be held onto.

When I walk into my home, I feel comfortable and at peace. I know what needs to be done and if I need something? I know right where to find it. I have so much more time to spend with my two girls and husband since it only takes a few minutes to pick up the house throughout the day.

I so desperately want these things for you too, girl!

I want you to have a calm mind in your home, instead of it always racing to decide which task you need to tackle next. I want you to be able to welcome visitors into your home without needing to scramble and shove everything into that closet (please, please, please don’t open that)! I want you to be able to spend more time with your kids, or watch a movie with your partner – without thinking about all of the messes you should be cleaning up instead.

Think your home could never be like that? Come follow me on IG  for loads of tips, tricks, and encouragement! 

Diana Rene


I've taken my tried-and-true techniques and created the best resources for you, so you can start tackling the mess that's driving you insane...
(like the pile of clothes that have been accumulating on the chair in the corner...)

Getting organized is easier than you think, and not as time-consuming as it's made out to be when you have the right processes!

Check out all of my resources! โค

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I'd love to hear from you.