Maybe we have it all backwards?

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason you don’t have time to declutter - is because you have so much clutter taking up all your time?

Maybe we have it all backwards....

“I just don’t have enough time to declutter”.⁣

I hear this all. the. time.⁣

And I get it. Because I used to think and feel the same way.⁣

I was busy keeping tiny humans alive and fed every few hours. I was sleep deprived. I had zero energy. I had meal planning to do, and grocery shopping, and drive time to and from dance class, oh yeah - and somehow I had to figure out how to have a MEDIUM pink leotard by friday for that recital. What even IS “medium” pink?!⁣

And now you want me to find time to sift through our junk and figure out what to keep, what to donate, what to trash, what to sell - AND find even more time to then figure out how i’m going to get it out of our actual house?!⁣

Yeah. Right. ⁣

But here’s the thing, Mama. ⁣

Have you stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason you don’t think you have time to declutter is because you have so much clutter - taking up all your time?⁣

Time picking up.⁣

Time putting away.⁣

Time washing.⁣

Time cleaning.⁣

Time picking that thing up yet again. ⁣

Time wasted while trying to make a decision.⁣

Time lost when you can’t find the left shoe.⁣

You may just have it backwards.⁣

IN ORDER to have time, you need to declutter. ⁣

“Ok, great Diana - but I still dont have the time or energy to actually do it. I know it would be amazing and good for my family and my stress levels, but, time”.⁣

But look at you - you’ve been able to complete small tasks in your home before, right? ⁣

You took those small but mighty tasks and you figured out how to get them done, right?⁣

So what’s stopping you from continuing those small tasks I create a few days a week?⁣

What if you could spend just 15-20 minutes a day to fully declutter your entire home? ⁣

To feel like you can breathe again in your home? ⁣

To feel refreshed and ready to kick butt when you walk into your kitchen each morning, instead of already defeated before your day has even begun?⁣

To have time to read again, to go dancing, to watch a movie with your partner…..without the nagging mess surrounding you saying “hey - pick me up. Clean me. Figure this out”?⁣

Find out exactly how to do this in your FREE training - register here!


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