Maybe we have it all backwards?

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason you don’t have time to declutter - is because you have so much clutter taking up all your time?

Maybe we have it all backwards....

“I just don’t have enough time to declutter”.

I hear this all. the. time.

And I get it. Because I used to think and feel the...

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You can't organize clutter

organization Jul 05, 2020

The idea of organizing has always appealed to me.

I would scour Pinterest for “how to organize a playroom” or “mud room organization” or “cute organized kids closet”...

I would buy all the supplies, and I’d assume within hours that the organizers “didn’t work” because I’d get it...

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What kids really crave...

simple peaceful living Jul 05, 2020

Earlier this morning, my youngest tapped me on my leg and said “Mama? This is a goooooooood day! I Lub you very much!” And ran back to her magnatiles.

…..but here’s the thing.

Today has been nothing special.

We didn’t go to the zoo and get ice cream.

I didn’t fight Denver traffic to get to...

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It isn't REALLY about the systems and routines.....

systems & routines Jul 05, 2020

It’s not really about the dishes routine.

Or the laundry system.

Or the PM pickups or maintenance declutters.

It’s about knowing you have to manage your home either way.

You can do it the hard way, on the fly and always in a rush - stressed out.

Or you can have a plan. A plan that makes your home work FOR you, not the other way...

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Overbooking our kids childhood?

Uncategorized May 21, 2019


"Diana, we have this opportunity for you..."

"We could really use some help with this..."

"We will meet weekly and I think you'll really grow from it..."

"Your kids should really be in swimming, but also a sport, and probably a music or art class too..."

How many times a week are you presented with something else to fill your time?


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If you've been looking for permission to simplify your kids Easter baskets.... Read this.

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2019

If you don’t know who I am, my name is Diana Rene and it is my purpose and mission to help overwhelmed mom’s take their home back from the clutter, and simplify their life and calendar so they can not only breathe again - but can spend their time doing what they want instead of picking up after everyone all the time.

If you’ve...

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Why you are failing at no-spend months

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2018

No-spend months seem to be all the rage lately. What is a no-spend month? It’s where you don’t spend money. At all. For a whole month.


A few reasons:

  • You can save money.
  • You can learn to be more intentional with your personal finances and what you are bringing into your home.
  • You can kind of “re-set” your purchasing...
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The Game Changer of Ruthlessly Decluttering

I see you, Mama. 

I see you tirelessly (and thanklessly) working from sun-up to waaay past sun-down. I see you wiping butts, kissing owie's, cutting grapes, and trying to go to the bathroom (unsuccessfully) alone. I see you trying to manage your household all while meeting the hundreds (or thousands?) demands of your daily life. I see...

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So how many clothing items should my kids have?

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2018

It was late spring 2013, and I had just found out I was pregnant with my first child. I was beyond excited (and nervous), and I vividly remember the day after I got that plus sign on the test going to Target on my lunch break to look at baby clothes. I mean, this baby girl had just barely been conceived and I was ready to fill a closet with a...

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Resisting the consumer culture

consumerism decluttering Jul 10, 2018

As I sat on the ground last week waiting for the fireworks to begin, I told my 4 year old how July 3rd is a special day to me because it’s the day I arrived to Colorado after my cross county road trip from Michigan. I had been dating my now husband long distance for a year and a half, and we decided one of us was gonna have to move to...

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